Send Emails With Postmark
Before you start
All of the tutorials assume you have already completed the Get started guide, which gets you set up with a Cloudflare Workers account, C3, and Wrangler.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to send transactional emails from Workers using Postmark. At the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to:
- Create a Worker to send emails.
- Sign up and add a Cloudflare domain to Postmark.
- Send emails from your Worker using Postmark.
- Store API keys securely with secrets.
To continue with this tutorial, you’ll need:
- A Cloudflare account, if you don’t already have one.
- A registered domain.
- Installed npm.
- A Postmark account.
Create a Worker project
Start by using C3 to create a Worker project in the command line, then, answer the prompts:
Create a new Worker$ npm create cloudflare@latest
Alternatively, you can use CLI arguments to speed things up:
Create a new Worker with CLI args$ npm create cloudflare@latest email-with-postmark -- --type=hello-world --ts=false --git=true --deploy=false
This creates a simple hello-world Worker having the following content:
src/index.jsexport default { async fetch(request, env, ctx) { return new Response('Hello World!'); },
Add your domain to Postmark
If you don’t already have a Postmark account, you can sign up for a free account here. After signing up, check your inbox for a link to confirm your sender signature. This verifies and enables you to send emails from your registered email address.
To enable email sending from other addresses on your domain, navigate to Sender Signatures
on the Postmark dashboard, Add Domain or Signature
> Add Domain
, then type in your domain and click on Verify Domain
Next, you’re presented with a list of DNS records to add to your Cloudflare domain. On your Cloudflare dashboard, select the domain you entered earlier and navigate to DNS
> Records
. Copy/paste the DNS records (DKIM, and Return-Path) from Postmark to your Cloudflare domain.
![Image of adding DNS records to a Cloudflare domain](/assets/add_dns_records_hu0462713ccde8d7a660385a7624b0d284_140163_1922x790_resize_q75_box_3-20f00e9f.png)
When that’s done, head back to Postmark and click on the Verify
buttons. If all records are properly configured, your domain status should be updated to Verified
![Image of domain verification on the Postmark dashboard](/assets/verified_domain_hu822a26600fb588f1f73da00c1a57651c_171290_2338x1222_resize_q75_box_3-89d42734.png)
To grab your API token, navigate to the Servers
tab, then My First Server
> API Tokens
, then copy your API key to a safe place.
Send emails from your Worker
The final step is putting it all together in a Worker. In your Worker, make a post request with fetch
to Postmark’s email API and include your token and message body:
src/index.jsexport default { async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
const response = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Postmark-Server-Token': 'your_postmark_api_token_here', }, body: JSON.stringify({ From: '', To: '', Subject: 'Hello World', HtmlBody: '<p>Hello from Workers</p>', }), });
return Response.json(await response.json()); },
To test your code locally, run the following command and navigate to http://localhost:8787/ in a browser:
Local development server$ npm start
Deploy your Worker with npm run deploy
Move API token to Secrets
Sensitive information such as API keys and token should always be stored in secrets. All secrets are encrypted to add an extra layer of protection. That said, it’s a good idea to move your API token to a secret and access it from the environment of your Worker.
To add secrets for local development, create a .dev.vars
file which works exactly like a .env
Also ensure the secret is added to your deployed worker by running:
Add secret to deployed Worker$ npx wrangler secret put POSTMARK_API_TOKEN
The added secret can be accessed on via the env
parameter passed to your Worker’s fetch event handler:
src/index.jsexport default { async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
const response = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Postmark-Server-Token': env.POSTMARK_API_TOKEN, }, body: JSON.stringify({ From: '', To: '', Subject: 'Hello World', HtmlBody: '<p>Hello from Workers</p>', }), });
return Response.json(await response.json()); },
And finally, deploy this update with npm run deploy